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Ambita "terra compromessa" conferenza e approfondimenti

Villino Pastorelli, Grosseto

From 18 to 20 October 2019 we hosted in our headquarters  the interesting Forum Ambita, where the theme of the built environment was discussed in a thorough and cross-cutting way.

The conference, organized by Richard Harris, was attended by professors from the University of Siena and Florence, public administration figures, category presidents and students, with the goal  to clarify a as current as complex topic.

We are happy to have welcomed this initiative and we are deeply convinced that creating spaces to share with people is the best way to build beauty.



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FIDIA srl | Pza. Gioberti 9 | 58100 Grosseto | P.Iva 01348210533 

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In accordance with Law No. 124/2017, Fidia S.r.l. declares that in 2021 it received from the Tuscany Region, through Sviluppo Toscana S.p.A., a grant of 24,000.00 euros related to the subsidy granted in implementation of the "Voucher Garanzia" call, issued with decree No. 21567/2019, subject to registration in the National Register of Aids.

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