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"Beauty changes the world" Renzo Piano

In 2005 we started the construction business. For the first time we told our vision of quality and beauty of living which, from then on, marked the development of our company.


In the following years we have expanded our activities by working in larger and more complex sites. With the growth of the company, the number of people involved has increased, bringing new expertise and professional skills.


Five years later, in 2010, we consolidated our role as general contractor. We have begun the renovation of large villas in Tuscany also taking care of the renovation of the furnishings aimed at improving the quality of living and aesthetics.


In 2014 we strengthened the integrated planning activity to manage larger construction sites and more complex projects. The following step has been to improve the organizational structure to guarantee the quality of the expected results and timing.


The expansion of the company has allowed us to operate in new types of buildings: a church, a banking institute, offices and the commercial area of ​​a winery and the expansion, complete with furnishings, of a boutique hotel.


In 2019 we restored a significant neo-gothic building. We transformed it into the unique headquarters and store of our company.


Today we manage important construction sites in many areas of Italy.

We build beauty

© FIDIA srl 2019 All rights reserved 

FIDIA srl | Pza. Gioberti 9 | 58100 Grosseto | P.Iva 01348210533 

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In accordance with Law No. 124/2017, Fidia S.r.l. declares that in 2021 it received from the Tuscany Region, through Sviluppo Toscana S.p.A., a grant of 24,000.00 euros related to the subsidy granted in implementation of the "Voucher Garanzia" call, issued with decree No. 21567/2019, subject to registration in the National Register of Aids.

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