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Un turrito castello tra passato e futuro

Villino Pastorelli, Grosseto

The project of the exhibition stems from the research started for the restoration of the pastorelli villino.

We approached the work with the intention of intervening in a manner consistent with the idea that the architect Porciatti had of this building. We have identified the salient phases of human and historical changes that have led to significant and not always successful changes to the structure.

It is also a social cut that has been sought insistently for the exhibition, to demonstrate the centrality and importance of a place that encompasses historical beauty and that deserves to be returned to the community.


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© FIDIA srl 2019 All rights reserved 

FIDIA srl | Pza. Gioberti 9 | 58100 Grosseto | P.Iva 01348210533 

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In accordance with Law No. 124/2017, Fidia S.r.l. declares that in 2021 it received from the Tuscany Region, through Sviluppo Toscana S.p.A., a grant of 24,000.00 euros related to the subsidy granted in implementation of the "Voucher Garanzia" call, issued with decree No. 21567/2019, subject to registration in the National Register of Aids.

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